About Us

Salmon Editorial is Melaina Barnes and Michael Langan. We offer services in editing, manuscript assessment and mentoring to support writers from diverse backgrounds.

Michael Langan

I’m a British-born writer living in Lisbon. I have a PhD in Creative Writing and 15 years experience of university teaching behind me. I currently work as a freelance editor, mentor, manuscript assessor and writing coach for a range of agencies. My debut novel, Shadow is a Colour as Light is, was published in September 2019, by Endeavour Media.

Melaina Barnes

I’m a writer from the north of England with 20 years’ communication experience in charities, universities and local and central government. I live in Lisbon, where I work as a freelance editor and proofreader. My short stories have appeared in anthologies and magazines including The Stinging Fly and Litro Magazine.